
International Office Contacts

There are several ways for contacting the International and Erasmus+ Office staff members at the Technical University of Liberec. Since the same people work with all communication channels, we would like to ask you to send the message only via ONE way. There is no need to send the very same message or requests many times and make everybody unnecessarily busy. The staff will deal with your request sent in whatever form as soon as they can.
The emergency phone number is meant for REAL emergencies. Please respect that regular things should be solved in regular working hours.


Landline telephone:
International Office: 00420-485353541 and 00420-485353612
Erasmus+coordinators: 00420-485353749, 00420-485353907 and 00420-485353931
Recognition of Education: 00420-485353069

Facebook message: facebook.com/TechnicalUniversityLiberec

Online chat: http://www.tul.cz/en/

Emergency phone number of the International Office: 00420-730595031

Emergency phone number of the ESN club: 00420-775469569